Chirs Matthews was discussing Bush’s condemnation of those who appease terrorists with conservative radio talk show host Kevin James yesterday on Hardball. Mr. James was haranguing Team Obama’s being in bed with Hamas and the PLO, as evidenced by foreign policies advisers Samantha Power and Robert Malley, pro Hamas people, having been asked to leave Team Obama, showing that they are on the run regarding their pro Hamas stance in the Middle East. So Matthews, a relentless apologist for Obama, asked James what Neville Chamerlain did to appease Adolf Hitler (what Bush was talking about in his speech), James didn’t answer (probably didn’t know), so then, Matthews kept asking him, again and again, making James look foolish at that point, and diverting attention from the points James was making about the nature of Team Obama’s pro Islamic stance.
And Mika Bzrezinski, daughter of pro Hamas senior adviser to Obama, Zbigniew Bzrezinski, kept playing the clip of the part of the Matthews/James discussion where Matthews was badgering James for the answer, making James look to be the idiot, while Matthews is being allowed to have diverted the attention from Team Obama’s anti Israeli staff and associations, to James’ failure to answer one (not so germane) question. It’s plain propaganda for Obama coming out of the talking heads over at MSNBC, so tune in to watch that "objective journalism." It’s a real hoot.