Lori Nix Photographs
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Fifty Crows: “social change photography.” The Digital Journalist. The Documentary Photography Project at the Open Society Institute.Camera/Iraq: “the war of images in the Middle East.” Lens Culture. The New York Public Library’s Digital Gallery. Quarlo.com. How the snail cross the ‘bridge’. Dust houses. Raysoda. Pinhole photography website links at Pinhole Visions. Digital pinhole photography by Keith Cooper. “Camera fished from pond now takes surrealistic photos.” The Wandering Eye. Slower.net. Exuberance.com.
“Nice photos of a rotten holiday in Bulgaria” at I Like. One-Man Safari. Google Sightseeing. Composite suspect drawings from the Michigan State Police. The MonkeyView Photo Server. Tina Magazine. American Flag Burning Archive. The last forty images posted to LiveJournal pages. Images from toy cameras. LiveJournal Photographers. Japanese Ant Image Library. The Snowsuit Effort. Messy Pics. Chromasia. Daily Dose of Imagery. Photojunkie. A Walk through Durham Township, Pennsylvania. Myredself.org. NYCLondon black and white photography weblog.
The Index of Political Blogs. Christopher Ian Applegate’s qwghlm.co.uk. Xogij.blogs.com. Alternative Hippopotamus. Spy Blog: “This United Kingdom based blog attempts to draw public attention to, and comments on, some of the current trends in ever cheaper and more widespread surveillance technology being deployed to satisfy the rapacious demand by state and corporate bureaucracies and criminals for your private details, and the technological ignorance of our politicians and civil servants who frame our legal systems.” Newspaper corrections examined at Regret the Error. The Observer Blog. Wind Rose Hotel: Mostly in Italian, with links to other Italian weblogs. Halfway Down the Danube: posts from Bucharest. We Make Money Not Art. Silt3. A collection of Microsoft Excel weblogs: Andrew’s Excel Tips, Automate Excel, Colo’s Excel Junk Room, Dick’s Daily Dose of Excel, Excel Pragma, J-Walk, The Planning Deskbook, van Gelder. R. Robot, the self-writing weblog. Bighappyfunhouse: excellent found photos.
Coudal Partners. Wood S Lot (art and politics). Bighappyfunhouse (found photographs). Craig’s Booknotes. Haddock. Languagehat (linguistics). Traveler’s Diagram. Electrolite. Consumptive. Polysigh: “The political science take on things.” Velorution. Miss McDonald.