Thirty-seven short Fluxus films by Nam June Paik, Paul Sharits, Yoko Ono, and others. There are more artists’ films at UbuWeb. British video artists at Luxonline. The Open Video Archive: “241 hours of contributed material.”
Thirty-seven short Fluxus films by Nam June Paik, Paul Sharits, Yoko Ono, and others. There are more artists’ films at UbuWeb. British video artists at Luxonline. The Open Video Archive: “241 hours of contributed material.”
Bug-irritated man. Chocolate Niblet Beans. Economists. Badgers. Qrime. Bruce Lee. Jean-Michel Basquiat. Recursive. A man. A shuffling man. J’ai 10 ans. Welcome to Strindberg and Helium. A facemaker. Drum Machine. Kiddysinth. Krišs Salmanis’s Un ar reizi nāks tas brīdis. Philip Glofcheskie’s Poisonous Legacy: Political Flash on US use of depleted uranium weapons. Last Requests. Paul Meier’s International Phonetic Alphabet pronunciation charts. Various collections of Flash at Milk and Cookies, B3ta, Flying Puppet, Kontraband, eBaum, and Guerrilla News Network. New York Defender. Not Flash: Estonian TV commercials from the 1980s. Search Google for video that’s ready to play. Rubber Johnny. Tourism information.
WPA posters at the Library of Congress. An aging family. Scott Blake’s bar code art. An infrared pornographic movie. Tabloid photographs from The Los Angeles Herald Express, 1936-61. Stone Pages: “Stonehenge, stone circles, dolmens, ancient standing stones, cairns, barrows, hillforts and archaeology of megalithic Europe.” The Chairman Smiles: Posters from the Former Soviet Union, Cuba, and China at the International Institute of Social History. Stefan Landsberger’s Chinese propaganda poster pages. Nico van Hoorn’s Trashlog. Not Fooling Anybody: Poorly executed commercial real estate conversions. Sacramento hijacker weaponry for sale at Goodwill Industries. Nineteenth-Century images of albinism. Anatomical drawings: The dream anatomy gallery at the National Institutes of Health. James Smolka photographs. Michael Kenna photographs. Jon Haddock’s pages at, including senators voting for the Patriot Act and pornographic photographs without figures. Sublimate. The Beinecke Library’s photonegatives collection database.
Order movie tickets online at Paul Thompson’s Dynamics of Gray Matter Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease. The Prelinger Archives — thousands of “ephemeral” films, and hundreds to view online. 24 Hours of US Air Traffic. A real dog attacks a robot dog. A man squishes things in his scanner. Red Alert. Decasia. Many links to movies at Internet Video Magazine. Hungarian television commercials of the 1980s.